Monday, August 27, 2012

Gardening For Hurricane Supplies

My mom and I started gardening together when I was three years old.  We both love to garden and grow our very own fresh fruits and vegetables.  Yesterda, I had my first ever 'hurricane' lesson as Mom and Dad went through a 'Preparedness Checklist,' and I saw all the food from the garden that Mom 'canned' and stored for this very day.

I thought Mom canned our fresh fruits and vegetables because we just grew too many, but yesterday, I learned that all those days spent using her favorite Pressure Canner/ Cooker to save all this food was for a lot more than that.

Mom and Dad spent all day, gathering hurricane supplies like batteries and flashlights, all our canned foods and bottled water, and even toys and games that we could play without electricity if the power went out.  I'm really glad that I garden, and that mom canned all that food we grew.  Just in case we need it.

Soon Mom and I will be planting another garden and she says we may have so much food that we might need another pressure canner just to keep up.  She's looking at pressure canner reviews to see what the next one we buy should be.

1 comment:

  1. Be sure to add that pressure cooker/canner to your basic supplies or bug out bag. Although we got a tactical bug out bag w/ a wek's worth of survival food from, we also plan on taking a nesting cookware set from them too. If you check, I'm sure you can find some plastic plates, cups, and flatware that can fit inside the cooker and that means you preserve a method of serving your family a hot meal on a clean suface which goes a long way to keep morale up after a disaster.
